There is nothing like watching Ralphie run around Folsom Stadium on a beautiful September day. Brings a tear to my eye. Actually, back in my day (Leeds School of Business 1983-Accounting and College of Arts and Parties-Psychology 1983) the most entertaining thing about CU Football was Ralphie. We sucked but that was the Pre Bill McCartney era. When Ralphie (a she bison or buffalo) ran around the field we used to scream "Shit Ralphie Shit".
There was a tradition that dudes used to grab a cute girl and pass her up the stands. So we females avoided walking in front of the frat boys who were most likely to grab you and try to surf you up the stands and grab a feel of whatever they could grab. This was kind of a two-step since I was in a sorority (Alpha Delta Pi- 1st and finest) we always had football brunches with a fellow frat and usually sat amongst the Greek section and fraternity boys in the stands.
So one fine football Saturday IG made the mistake of walking into the vortex of drunk frat dudes as she herself was mile high pie-eyed. I felt a grab on my arm. Shit too late. Too boot from the stands over my shoulder I hear Pass her up, Pass her UP. I look and see an old boyfriend and his fraternity brothers coaxing the guys to grab me as I'm standing my ground about to Karate chop or knee one of the drunken leches. When my old beau (we were still on very good terms btw wink wink) realized the folly of his ways he changed his tune to "Don't pass her up, Dont pass her up". Not because he didn't think it was a cool idea mind you. He knew not to mess with a scrappy NYer. When I told the dudes they would be sorry if they tried to pass me up and to let go of me now and they refused I did what my Golden Gloves winning Grandpa C had taught me to do.. Uppercut square to the chin. Sure my hand felt like shit later when I sobered up but I sent one dude reeling and the others went on to easier prey.
Tomorrow CU kicks off its season with an opener against the CSU Rams. I don't think we look very good on paper and probably even worse on the field but I am a die-hard Buffalo gal. My live league mate Trent who didn't go to CU happens to love them too and I promised him next time I order some CU merchandise I'll order him a new CU hat as his (which he always wears playing cards or used to) has seen better times.
My favorite things about College football.... Watching Kirk Herbstreit commentate cuz hes so damn good looking. I also love to watch NFL Primetime with TJ and Chris Berman. My other favorite show is NFL Matchup with Jaws and Merril Hoge (equally as hot to me) and of course I love Howie Long and Chris Collingsworth.
Kudos and Happy retirement to Volleyball Legend Karch Kiraly who is retiring this weekend. The man is my age: 46, and without a doubt if it wasnt for injury would still be going strong.
I caught a little bit of the World Track and Field Championships. Everytime I watch a triathlon or race it inspires me for about ten minutes to start moving again. Then I realize how much work is involved and realize its easier to click a mouse and raise, call or fold. God Im lazy. My mom mentioned shes been working out at the Y with an old running friend of mine. Of course, she has to tell me Cindy said you were such a good runner.. I really wish you'd get some exercise... there I go mothering again. Anyway Congrats to CU alum Kara Goucher for taking a bronze at the World Championships in the 10000 meters (thats 6.2 miles around and around on a track). And we brought the gold home in the 100M mens event too.
Notice the lack of poker content? That is because IG has borrowed the title of SUPER DONKEY GIRL for the month of August from her gal Katitude. Ive been bent, folded, spun and mutilated in my tournaments. Not to mention when I finally got something going in the 24k guarantee on FTP last saturday nite and doubled up early with a beautious stack I lost power in a rash of thunderstorms for 6 hours and blinded out in 294th spot with 180 paying after not playing more then 15 minutes (and I had direct bought in for $26)... Ouchies. I had emailed Snake my tail of woe Sunday. He called me Monday nite to ask me about my Friday nite live meltdown at Trents (bubble with him knocking me out) and to ask me what was wrong, going on etc etc. All I could say was.. I dont even want to talk about it because I will start to cry again. Yes poker had me in tears Saturday nite. Is there crying in Poker? Is a girl allowed to cry? Anyway Monday nite we jumped in the same $10 90 person sng to find IGs leaks (only one he could find) and he witnessed what has been happening to me all month the lets suck out on IG saga.
I may just show up in the Donkament tonite to let you all beat up on me one last time. Tommorow is a new month and Super Donkey Girl will be retired or handed off to some other hapless donkette.